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  • What items are accepted at the consignment fundraiser?
    Quality children's clothing* (sizes 0 - 14), junior clothing, accessories, dress-up clothes, costumes**, uniforms, games, puzzles, computer games, videos/DVDs, toys, books for children/parenting, sports equipment, bicycles, yard toys, riding toys, activity centers, diaper bags, bathtubs, potty seats, diaper pails, changing tables, cribs, playpens, gates, baby swings, strollers, monitors, bassinets, bouncers, exersaucers, high chairs, toddler beds, bedding, nursery decor & maternity clothes will be received. * In the SPRING fundraiser, you may consign SPRING and SUMMER clothes. For spring you are limited to 5 pairs of uniform pants and 5 pairs of jeans per gender. Summer print and capris or light-weight pants are accepted. * In the FALL Fundraiser, you may consign FALL and WINTER clothes, dress-up clothes, costumes and uniforms. In the fall fundraiser, you are limited to 5 uniform shorts, 5 uniform skirts, and 5 uniform skorts per gender. ** Halloween-related costumes will only be accepted in the FALL Fundraiser. Only 1 letter monograms or single name monograms are accepted and the tag must indicate there is a monogram. Cowboy and cowgirl boots are accepted in both fundraisers. Raincoats and rainboots are accepted in both fundraisers. All items that require batteries to work must include batteries and will be tested at drop-off. Stuffed animals are ONLY accepted if they are a known character or perform a function (play music, light up, etc.). DVDs, movies, and electronic games must be rated PG and under.
  • Are there any limits on the quantity of certain items?
    Yes. There is a minimum of 30 items and a maximum of 250 items. Infant clothing size 0 - 6 months are limited to 30 items per gender (accessories, such as bibs and hats are not included in the 30-item limit). For the SPRING Fundraiser, you are limited to 5 pairs of uniform pants and 5 pairs of jeans per gender. Summer print and material capris or pants will still be accepted. For the FALL Fundraiser, you are limited to 5 uniform shorts, 5 uniform skirts, and 5 uniform skorts per gender. Maternity clothing is accepted but limited to 20 items. Only 20 hairbows with individual tags (bags of bows together in one bag count as one item). No hairbow boards or displays; all hairbows will be sold out of MOPS containers. There is a limit to 5 VHS tapes per consignor. Beanie Babies and Beanie Boos are limited to a max of 20 per consignor.
  • What items cannot be consigned?
    No face masks (new or used) will be accepted. No car seats or car seat bases (including travel systems) No personalized items (monogram items with one letter or single name allowed) No used bottles, sippy cups, plates, utensils, teething rings, pacifiers, and any other items used for oral needs. (If it goes in the mouth, it must be new and unopened). No breast pumps No hooded clothing with drawstrings No drop-side cribs No triple monogram items (single letter monograms only) No PG-13 or R movies (G or PG ONLY) or Mature-rated games (E for everyone ONLY) No Rock-N-Play Sleeper Bassinets are allowed due to the recall. We cannot accept any clothing that smells of cigarette smoke. Juniors clothing, shoes and accessories must be gently used juniors brand names and we cannot accept styles that are too mature for early teens. We cannot accept any clothing with stains, holes, missing buttons, etc. Check all clothes in bright light. The lighting, in our building, often reveals more than your softer home lighting. Clean, or wipe down, all toys, equipment, strollers, high chairs, etc. We cannot accept dirty or dusty items.
  • I’m new to consignment. How should I begin?
    Gather and sort your items. It's best to go ahead and sort your clothing by gender and size. (They'll need to be sorted this way at drop-off.) Log in to your consignor homepage from the “Consign” page on our website using your consignor number and password. Select "Work with Consigned Inventory" and then select "Work with Active Inventory.” If you have items from a previous fundraiser, that are still in your inventory and you plan to consign those, choose "Work with Inactive Inventory" first. Then, select the items you want to make active. While you are entering your items, be sure to select the correct gender, category, discount, and donate. Make note that these options will remain selected as you enter additional items until you change or select other options. If you only want certain items discounted or donated, you will need to select those specific boxes as you enter each item. Be as specific as possible. This will help us match separated tags to the appropriate item. We cannot sell items without tags and we cannot return items without tags or consignor numbers. Use S, M, L for maternity items only. Price your items in 50-cent increments. Click the discount box if you want your item to be half-price on Saturday. Click the donate box, if you do not want your item back on Saturday. We will donate it for you. When you are done, click on "Submit Item". There is a voice-entry option available. Use Google Chrome, as your browser, if you'd like to use this faster option. Once you have finished entering all your items, it's time to print the tags!
  • How do I price my items to sell?
    Ask yourself what you'd pay for that item. Consignment items generally sell for 30% of retail price. Be sure and consider the condition of your item.
  • How do I print my tags?
    Tags must be printed on white card stock using normal quality printer settings and black ink. Please do not use the highest quality setting on your printer. This often causes the bar code to bleed or smear and this will result in a delay at the register. Please do not hand write anything on your tags.
  • How do I tag clothing?
    Place garment on a hanger with hanger facing left … making a question mark. Hang pants or shorts with clip hangers, if possible. Otherwise, use a safety pin to secure your pants to a regular hanger, so they don't end up on the floor. We recommend ironing your clothes. Button, snap, or zip your clothes, also. Securely attach the tag to the upper, right-hand side, as the garment faces you. Use a small-gauged safety pin or tagging gun to secure your tags. Tagging guns are an efficient way to tag. However, they can create holes. If you are using a tagging gun, the tag should be attached in the underarm seam, on the right-hand side (facing you), or to the original garment tag. Include your consignor number on the inside of your garment so we can get it back to you if the tag gets separated.
  • Can I use a tagging gun for my tags?
    Yes. If you are using a tagging gun, the tag should be attached in the underarm seam, on the right-hand side (facing you), or in the original garment tag so there is not a hole in the clothing.
  • What is the best way to package shoes?
    All shoes need to be clean and packaged in a clear bag or zip-tied together. Secure tags to the outside of the bag or through the zip-tie. Do not tape over the bar code. If you are bagging your shoes, be sure they are 100% dry. The tiniest bit of moisture will cause mildew. Bags with any sort of condensation will be returned to the consignor.
  • What is the best way to package toys, books, and accessories?
    Use tape to secure the tag to the item. Do not place tape over the bar code or the item will not scan. Group small items together to sell as a set. For example, package bibs together and price as a single unit. The same can be done for onesies, pajamas, leggings, tights or hair bows. It's best to use masking tape to secure tags onto books to help alleviate damaging the cover. A great way to package wooden puzzles, and other toys with multiple parts, is in clear plastic bags. Ziploc and the dollar stores carry a variety of sizes. Include your consignor number somewhere else other than the MOPS tag. We recommend using masking tape on the bottom of a toy or the inside of clothing. Sometimes tags get separated from the item. This enables us to identify inventory so we can return it to you or reattach the tag.
  • I need to transfer my inventory from another sale. May I do that?
    Yes. Please transfer items from other sales BEFORE entering new inventory in the MOPs system. This will prevent you from having to reprint your tags. If you do not, you will need to reprint all of your tags before drop off for those items to correctly scan. We are affiliated with the following consignment sales: Boutique Repeat Vineville Baptist Second Impressions MOPS of Warner Robins Jack-n-Jill Consignment
  • When does the system close and I can no longer input items?
    The computer system closes at 11:59 PM on Saturday night before drop-off begins on Monday. You will not be able to make any adjustments to your inventory after that. However, you can still print tags after that time.
  • How do I check for safety recalls?
    You are responsible to check your items for recalls. February 2009 law states the seller (you) is responsible for this. You can search recalls by manufacturer, category, or date. Search or (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
  • If I am consigning, but not volunteering to work a shift, when can I shop early?
    Consignors & volunteers shop early during pre-sale: - Consign + one volunteer shift = 5:00pm - Two volunteer shifts = 5:00pm (& get your Consignor fee back) - Consign only = 6:30pm - One volunteer shift = 6:30pm Thursday night shopping is reserved for consignors and volunteers ONLY. Pre-sale passes are required for entry. Spouses, friends, children, etc. may not shop with you. Babies may be worn in front-carriers. Bring a laundry basket and/or large bag for shopping. Wagons and strollers are not allowed during pre-sale.
  • What should I expect at my drop-off appointment?
    Upon arrival, hang clothing on a rack by gender and by size. Then, check-in at the desk so our volunteers can get your items checked. Plan on being at your drop-off appointment for about 30 minutes depending on the time of day. It's not uncommon to get backed up when multiple consignors come in with 250 items. Hanging, tagging, and sorting your items will help keep things moving smoothly. After your items have been checked, any unacceptable items will be returned to you at this time. Large items like outdoor toys, toddler beds, and pack-n-plays must be assembled at your drop off appointment. Electronic items will be checked to ensure they're in working condition. Be sure these items include batteries or the cord. You will also be given the Saturday pick-up information.
  • What is the best way to contact MOPs during the fundraiser?
    We will have a phone number available during the week of the fundraiser. We will post the number on Sunday evening before drop-offs start on Monday morning. You can also contact us on our Facebook page as well, MOPS of Macon/Forsyth Children's Consignment Fundraiser.
  • Do y'all accept and sell face masks?
    Because of the contagious nature and the sensitivity of the coronavirus, we will not be accepting face masks (new or used).
  • When can I pick up my items that do not sell?
    Unsold items marked “donate” on the tags will be donated on Saturday afternoon. Unsold items marked “no donate” will be available for pick-up on Saturday between 5:30 and 7:00. Anything that has not been picked up by that time will be donated to charity. We do not have storage space and are not able to hold items for consignors. ​Please make sure to bring a container, and/or a helper, with you to pick up your belongings. You can review your sold/unsold items on your consignor page. You are responsible for going through your items to ensure that you are taking home only your items. Don't forget to check the "lost and found" table before you leave. There are often items that have been separated from their hangers, bags, tags, etc.
  • If I am consigning, when will I receive my check?
    Our goal is to have consignor checks ready on Saturday between 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm. If they're not ready at that time they will be mailed to the address with which you registered within five days. You must show your ID to pick a check and the name must match the name on the check. We cannot give checks to friends, parents, etc. Checks that are not picked up are mailed within 5 days.
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